Before You Try Yoni Steaming at Home, Read This!

Please STOP Using the Wrong Yoni Steam Seat

Millennials have recently discovered the infinite benefits of yoni steaming and have gravitated towards its natural healing abilities as an alternative to antibiotics or major surgeries.

With the rise in interest in the traditional holistic practice of yoni steaming, many women are looking for an easy way to add this to their regular hygiene routine at home. Although our ancestors would often pop a squat over a pail, or a bucket, young women of today are opting for a more convenient way to engage in the self-healing practice. 

Young women are looking for a yoni steam seat so that they can do a yoni steam at home. If this is you or someone you know, then it is important that you continue reading to discover the risks of yoni steaming with the wrong yoni steam seat.

Steaming with a Plastic Seat is Counterproductive

One of the primary purposes of yoni steaming is to pull unwanted toxins and impurities out of your system. It’s important to be mindful of what devices you use to achieve this goal. It’s important to use the correct herbs, at the correct timing, and the correct yoni steam seat, in order to do so safely.

When plastic containers are heated, they release toxic chemicals and those compounds can be absorbed into the bloodstream. For his reason, it has been suggested for many years to avoid warming foods in plastic containers or storing hot drinks in plastic-lined tumblers.

BPA is a synthetic compound found in many common plastic products. It mimics the activity of estrogen in the human body, making it a hormone disruptor. Hormone disruptors are chemicals that throw off your body’s hormonal balance, including your pH balance.

Studies have shown that hormone disruptors cause potential harm to women and can even manipulate our cycles and cause hormone imbalance. Other research has found an association between high levels of BPA in pregnant women’s urine and the brain development of their unborn children.

Even brands out there claim their products are BPA-free, have been questioned on the authenticity as they are often imported and vendors have low to no quality control. Some foreign countries have different regulations than we do in Canada. Materials that are deemed hazardous in Canada may not be in other countries so it is best to refrain from heating plastic, whether labelled BPA-free or not.

Using a plastic yoni steam seat is counterproductive because once you add the hot water to the seat, you have potentially contaminated the very water you are using looking for positive benefits.

The Safest Way for a DIY Yoni Steam at Home

Using a plastic yoni steam seat, as commonly depicted in popular YouTube videos, can be far more harmful than helpful. To avoid this double standard, we recommend sticking to traditional devices such as a stainless-steel pot. In the place of a bucket or a pail, we now have conventional wooden steam seats or otherwise referred to as a yoni steam sauna.

We’ve established the most convenient way to do a yoni steam at home without the risk of encountering more toxins or hormone imbalances. The best way to steam at home is with a wooden yoni steam and a stainless-steel pot. When you use such devices there is no risk of transfer of chemicals or toxins into your system. 

Wood is the most natural and pure of all materials and since it is not chemically treated, your skin will not absorb any pollutants or chemicals from it. Most stools on the market are finished with natural oils as a sealant to protect the wood from damage. Our yoni steam stools have a high gloss finish that almost acts like a glass top yoni steam seat. This makes for easy wash-up and disinfecting after each use.

Steam your way to better health by safely making yoni steaming a part of your regular hygiene routine. Our handcrafted wooden yoni steam seat allows you to relax, and safely steam from the comfort of your home. It will deliver all the benefits you’ve come to expect from your steaming sessions, safely, and  conveniently, at home. To find out more or how frequently you should steam, book a consultation.